Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study sample (n = 110)*

CharacteristicNo psychotic symptomsPsychotic symptomsp value
Participants, no.6248
Female sex, no. (%)31 (50.0)33 (68.8)0.08
Mean age ± SD, yr13.7 ± 3.414.5 ± 4.10.28
Siblings, no. (%)11 (17.8)12 (25.0)0.49
Anxiety disorder, no. (%)21 (33.9)25 (52.1)0.09
Parent diagnosis, no. (%)0.12
 None18 (29.0)6 (12.5)
 Depression23 (37.1)27 (56.3)
 Bipolar disorder17 (27.4)13 (27.1)
 Schizophrenia4 (6.5)2 (4.2)
Parent psychosis, no. (%)11 (17.8)9 (18.8)1.00
Cannabis use, no. (%)7 (11.3)6 (12.5)1.00
Stimulant use, no. (%)2 (3.2)6 (12.5)0.08
Mean FSIQ score ± SD106.2 ± 14.3107.9 ± 11.30.51
Mean eTIV ± SD, cm31522.2 ± 138.61427.8 ± 168.00.002
  • eTIV = estimated total intracranial volume; FSIQ = Full Scale Intelligence Quotient; SD = standard deviation.

  • * We compared demographic and clinical variables using t tests for continuous variables and χ2 tests for categorical variables.