Table 2

Distribution of [3H]-AFDX-384 binding sites in selected brain regions of 15-month-old WKY and SHR rats

Brain areaRat strain; mean (and SEM) binding, nCi bound [3H]/mg wet tissue, n = 5–6
Amygdaloid nuc., basolateral8.29 (0.83)9.73 (0.05)
Amygdaloid nuc., central5.41 (1.12)3.76 (0.05)
Accumbens nucleus10.44 (0.08)10.67 (0.05)
Caudate putamen*9.92 (0.07)10.37 (0.06)
Diagonal band3.69 (0.36)3.93 (0.25)
Substantia inominata2.20 (0.22)2.68 (0.54)
Cerebral cortex
 Cingulate5.63 (0.67)7.00 (0.86)
 Cingulate area 15.92 (0.66)5.73 (0.65)
 Frontal association8.30 (0.71)8.20 (0.66)
 Infralimbic7.88 (0.78)8.81 (0.17)
 Insular7.96 (0.60)8.40 (0.39)
 Motor area 16.78 (0.59)7.24 (0.49)
 Motor area 27.08 (0.60)8.09 (0.47)
 Orbital7.74 (0.88)8.55 (0.48)
 Parietal7.08 (0.47)7.15 (0.66)
 Piriform4.83 (0.28)5.49 (0.51)
 Prefrontal8.37 (0.59)8.38 (0.65)
 Retrosplenial4.92 (0.17)6.38 (0.86)
 Somatosensory6.95 (0.60)7.44 (0.58)
Anterior olfactory nuc.6.24 (0.69)6.47 (0.23)
DG outer and inner blade5.94 (0.39)4.43 (0.34)
DG polymorph layer4.07 (0.13)3.71 (0.12)
Hipp. form. CA1 region8.31 (0.27)7.83 (0.57)
Hipp. form. CA2 and 3 region3.69 (0.05)3.47 (0.18)
Olfactory tubercle10.40 (0.11)10.60 (0.07)
Bed nuc. of stria terminalis2.60 (0.14)2.85 (0.29)
Septal nuc., lateral4.47 (0.78)3.56 (0.22)
Septal nuc., medial3.31 (0.46)2.45 (0.23)
Dorsal peduncular nuc.7.59 (0.77)8.27 (0.15)
Hypothalamic nuc.
 Dorsomedial2.62 (0.18)2.64 (0.59)
 Lateral2.36 (0.14)2.66 (0.19)
 Ventromedial2.24 (0.17)2.57 (0.34)
Medial preoptic area2.55 (0.15)2.64 (0.30)
Zona incerta2.41 (0.19)2.43 (0.11)
Thalamic nuc.
 Anteroventral5.04 (0.35)5.44 (0.78)
 Laterodorsal3.25 (0.16)3.13 (0.28)
 Mediodorsal3.42 (0.16)3.54 (0.23)
 Paraventricular2.87 (0.16)2.95 (0.13)
 Rhomboid3.19 (0.22)3.73 (0.44)
 Ventromedial2.49 (0.12)2.43 (0.20)
 Ventroposterior2.02 (0.09)1.98 (0.11)
Central periaqueductal gray2.29 (0.20)2.04 (0.20)
Dorsal tegmental nuc.2.49 (0.25)2.84 (0.26)
Parabrachial nuc.3.37 (0.39)3.91 (0.31)
Pontine nuc.5.74 (1.13)8.31 (0.62)
Trigeminal nuc.5.79 (0.85)7.03 (1.07)
Gigantocellular nuc.1.91 (0.25)2.25 (0.21)
Paragigantocellular nuc., dorsal1.85 (0.13)1.85 (0.20)
Reticular nuc. RVL4.40 (0.51)6.08 (1.46)
Vestibular nuc.2.27 (0.16)2.80 (0.25)
  • Note: DG = dentate gyrus, RVL = rostroventrolateral; hipp. form. = hippocampal formation. Whole brains were sectioned from the prefrontal cortex through the pons.

  • * Significant difference between phenotypes (SHR > WKY, p < 0.01).