Table 1

Rates of full remission in recent clinical trials of antidepressant therapy for depression

StudyTreatment duration and dosage, mg/dResponse,* % of patientsRemission, % of patientsRemission criteria
Katona et al (30) n = 3478 wkHAM-D21 ≤ 10
RBX, 4–65542
IMP, 50–1005750
Cohn et al (32) n = 778 wkHAM-D17 ≤ 10
NFZ, 200–6006462
IMP, 100–3006153
Keller et al (33) n = 68112 wk5522HAM-D24 ≤ 7
NFZ, 300–6005224
CBASP and combination8542
Danish University Antidepressant Group (35) n = 1156 wkHAM-D17 ≤ 7
MCL, 4004919
CMI, 1507133
Lapierre et al (34) n = 1286 wkHAM-D17 < 10
MCL, 200–6005447
FLX, 20§–405538
Sogaard et al (36) n = 19712 wkHAM-D ≤ 7
MCL, 3006330
SRT, 506539
Stahl et al (38) n = 3876 wkHAM-D17 ≤ 7
MRT, 5–354831
AMT, 40–2805128
Wheatley et al (37) n = 1236 wkHAM-D17 ≤ 7
MRT, 15–606623
FLX, 20–404725
Mehtonen et al (39) n = 858 wkHAM-D21 < 10
VFX, 1508167
SRT, 1006736
Poirier and Boyer (40) n = 1224 wkHAM-D17 ≤ 10
VFX, 200–3005242
PRX, 30–403320
Ballus et al (41) n = 8412 wkHAM-D21 ≤ 8
VFX, 75–1507559
PRX, 20–406431
Rudolph and Feiger (42) n = 1988 wkHAM-D21 ≤ 7
VFX, 75–2255737
FLX, 20–605022
Lecrubier et al (43) n = 15313 wkCGI = 1
VFX, 75–1508363
IMP, 75–1506646
  • Note: AMT = amitriptyline; CMI = clomipramine; CBASP = cognitive behavioural analysis system of psychotherapy; FLX = fluoxetine; HAM-D = Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; IMP = imipramine; MRT = mirtazapine; MCL = moclobemide; NFZ = nefazodone; PRX = paroxetine; RBX = reboxetine; SRT = sertraline; VFX = venlafaxine.

  • * “Response” was defined as a HAM-D or MADRS score reduction of 50% from baseline.

  • p < 0.001 v. monotherapies.

  • p ≤ 0.05.

  • § FLX could be administered 20 mg every other day.

  • “Very much improved.”