Table 8

Nonparoxysmal somatic hallucinations resulting from radiologically or surgically objectified telencephalic lesions (adult cases)

StudyAge at onset, yrSexLesion locationSymptomsEtiologic considerations, complications
Halligan et al (103)41MRight parietotemporalSomatoparaphreniaHematoma, no mention of EEG or seizures
Hécaen and Ajuriaguerra (104)48MRight parietotemporalForeign limb, limb neglectHemorrhage (case 16), no mention of EEG or seizures
27MRight parietalForeign limbPenetrating injury (case 67), no mention of EEG or seizures
Rode et al (105)69FRight parietotemporo-occipitalSomatoparaphrenia, anosagnosia, limb neglect, logorrheaInfarct, no mention of EEG or seizures
Assal (106)86FRight parietofrontotemporalSomatoparaphrenia, anosagnosia, limb neglectEmbolus, no mention of EEG or seizures
Miura et al (107)77FLeft lateral thalamus, internal capsule, lateral geniculate body, hippocampus, caudate nucleus and medial occipitotemporal gyrusSomatoparaphrenia, anosognosia, disorientation, right unilateral spatial neglect and mild amnesic aphasiaInfarct, no mention of EEG or seizures
  • Note: We were unable to find any published description of pure post-lesion somatic hallucination in a child, except the case reported by Fujii et al (108) of paresthesia in a 4-year-old child with a left parietal lipoma.