Table 2

Regions of significant brain volume reduction in the PTSD group associated with increasing Beck Anxiety Inventory (32) scores*

Foci of activationBrodmann areaMNI coordinate z scoreCluster size
Fusiform gyrus18−26−71−104.95662
Left middle frontal gyrus9−3543334.52275
Left inferior temporal gyrus20−47−27−284.14949
Right transverse temporal gyrus4258−1484.11119
Left inferior temporal gyrus20−36−2−454.02143
Right anterior cerebellar lobe27−57−283.8967
Right putamen2611103.7286
Right middle temporal gyrus2161−30−123.69634
Right inferior temporal gyrus/temporal pole38457−393.65147
Left frontal operculum44−398193.4669
Left cerebellar tonsil−21−33−383.44117
Right medial temporal pole38316−363.2954
Right inferior temporal gyrus2048−16−263.2782
  • MNI = Montreal Neurological Institute; PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder.

  • * Significant at p < 0.05, family wise error–corrected, whole-brain cluster level–corrected.