Table 2

Affective ratings of patients with Huntington disease and healthy controls enrolled in a voxel-based morphometry study of emotion recognition and experience

Group; mean (SD)
Emotional affectHuntington disease, n = 18Controls, n = 18
Recognition (intensity)
 Disgust5.61 (2.44)7.04 (1.67)
 Anger5.45 (2.20)7.31 (1.17)
 Fear5.11 (2.00)6.21 (1.18)
 Sadness5.30 (2.27)6.57 (1.37)
 Happiness7.81 (1.22)8.27 (0.68)
 Surprise6.72 (2.16)7.75 (1.21)
Recognition (classification accuracy)*
 Disgust1.51 (1.86)3.24 (2.34)
 Anger1.85 (2.30)4.26 (2.27)
 Fear1.19 (1.78)1.88 (1.59)
 Sadness1.83 (2.46)5.62 (1.58)
 Happiness5.33 (1.70)3.73 (2.36)
 Surprise3.71 (2.54)4.65 (2.09)
Experience (intensity)
 Disgust6.28 (2.33)6.20 (1.19)
 Fear6.41 (2.11)7.02 (1.36)
 Happiness7.51 (1.89)7.50 (1.00)
  • SD = standard deviation.

  • * Classification accuracy is the difference between target emotion intensity and mean intensity of nontarget emotions.

  • Emotion intensity: 1 = weak; 9 = strong.