Table 2

Ratings of the intensity of negative emotional experience during passive viewing of aversive or neutral pictures or during the active increase or decrease of emotional experience through self-focused reappraisal while watching aversive images*

Group; mean ± SD
Condition; ratingSADControlStatisticp valueCohen d
Intensity of negative emotion
 No. of patients2123
 PermA5.26 ± 0.754.94 ± 0.82t42 = 1.330.19
 IncA5.77 ± 0.525.4 ± 0.75t42 = 1.880.070.58
 DistA3.28 ± 0.93.21 ± 0.88t42 = 0.270.79
 PermN2.19 ± 0.731.41 ± 0.32t26.8 = 4.48< 0.0011.44
 No. of patients2021
 PermA3.69 ± 1.223.22 ± 0.95t39 = 1.370.18
 IncA3.69 ± 1.223.15 ± 0.94t39 = 1.590.12
 DistA3.61 ± 1.123.26 ± 0.98t39 = 1.080.29
 PermN3.58 ± 1.223.24 ± 1.09t39 = 0.940.35
  • DistA = voluntary decrease of emotion to aversive images; IncA = voluntary increase of emotion to aversive images; PermA = passive viewing of aversive images; PermN = passive viewing of neutral images; SAD = social anxiety disorder; SD = standard deviation.

  • * Participants additionally judged all pictures to the degree of self-relatedness. All group comparisons as 2-sided independent t tests, either Student or Welch (in case of unequal variances). Ratings (mean ± SD) were given on a Likert-type scale from 1 (weak) to 7 (strong). See also Figure 1.

  • Unless otherwise indicated.