Table 3

Coordinates and anatomic labels for overactivations in patients with social anxiety disorder relative to controls during passive viewing of aversive compared with neutral images

MNI coordinatesStatistics
Hemisphere; anatomic labelxyztkp value*
Left hemisphere
−54−39275.57116< 0.001
−63−48244.65< 0.001
 Superior temporal−63−30183.75< 0.001
 Middle cingulum
−15−18424.5666< 0.001
−12−30394.46< 0.001
Right hemisphere
 Rolandic operculum
57−30214.81252< 0.001
39−33214.29< 0.001
 Superior temporal57−3034.47< 0.001
  • MNI = Montreal Neurological Institute.

  • * Threshold: p < 0.001, uncorrected at the voxel level with cluster extent threshold of k > 60 to achieve whole-brain correction at p < 0.05 (calculated using AlphaSim, See Figure 2.