Table 3

Post-task self-report questionnaire items and Pearson correlations with the computational model parameters*

QuestionMean ± SDPearson correlations
Emotional conflict (EC)Decision uncertainty (β)
1. I found the POSITIVE pictures enjoyable5.05 ± 1.680.070.02
2. The NEGATIVE pictures made me feel anxious or uncomfortable4.43 ± 1.990.320.06
3. I often found it difficult to decide which outcome I wanted2.51 ± 1.730.10§0.45
4. I always tried to move ALL THE WAY TOWARD the outcome with the LARGEST REWARD POINTS4.76 ± 2.30−0.74−0.48
5. I always tried to move ALL THE WAY AWAY FROM the outcome with the NEGATIVE PICTURE/SOUNDS2.98 ± 2.170.670.37
6. When a NEGATIVE picture and sound were displayed, I kept my eyes open and looked at the picture5.5 ± 1.83−0.37−0.17
7. When a NEGATIVE picture and sound were displayed, I tried to think about something unrelated to the picture to distract myself2.96 ± 1.940.290.11§
8. When a NEGATIVE picture and sound were displayed, I tried other strategies to manage emotions triggered by the pictures3.26 ± 1.990.320.05
  • SD = standard deviation.

  • * Full sample; n = 478.

  • Answers provided on a Likert scale (1 = not at all; 7 = very much).

  • p < 0.001.

  • § p < 0.05.