Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics*

CharacteristicCohort 1: case–controlCohort 2: offspring
HC (n = 56)SZ (n = 54)Group differencesCO (n = 18)SZO (n = 24)BPO (n = 33)Group differences
Age, yr33.84 ± 8.0434.08 ± 7.98t108 = −0.16
p = 0.88
16.06 ± 2.6216.92 ± 2.3617.69 ± 2.46F2,72 = 2.57
p = 0.08
Sex (M/F)52/446/8χ21 = 1.66
p = 0.20
13/56/1815/18χ22 = 9.26
p = 0.01
Education, yr13.80 ± 1.8012.93 ± 2.07t108 = 2.37
p = 0.02
Parental education, yr13.60 ± 2.7514.56 ± 3.56t101 = −1.53
p = 0.13
15.67 ± 1.7814.74 ± 2.2214.73 ± 2.13F2,71 = 1.38
p = 0.26
Antipsychotic medication, n
PANSS score
 Positive12.60 ± 3.70
 Negative13.42 ± 5.10
 General24.90 ± 4.98
 Total50.92 ± 10.10
  • BPO = bipolar disorder offspring; CO = control offspring; HC = healthy controls; NA = not applicable; PANSS = Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; SZ = schizophrenia; SZO = schizophrenia offspring.

  • * Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation unless otherwise indicated.

  • Information was unavailable for 3 participants from the HC group and 4 participants from the SZ group.

  • The PANSS score was unavailable for 2 participants from the SZ group because they dropped out of the study.