Table 1

Characteristics of the postmortem cohorts

Group; mean ± SEM*
VariableControl (n = 30)Schizophrenia (n = 30)tp value
Age at death, yr54.63 ± 13.9750.43 ± 12.061.2260.23
Postmortem interval, h28.03 ± 12.3933.58 ± 13.35−1.6400.11
Brain pH6.51 ± 0.356.55 ± 0.19−0.6090.55
Freezer storage time, d3567 ± 13603708 ± 1387−0.3910.70
Hemisphere, right:left18:1218:12
Sex, male:female19:1119:11
Age at disease onset, yr23.08 ± 6.49
Duration of illness, yr27.35 ± 12.85
Chlorpromazine equivalent, g8665 ± 1709
Antidepressant history, yes:no14 yes, 16 no
  • SEM = standard error of the mean.

  • * Unless otherwise indicated.

  • Estimated lifetime equivalent.