Table 1

Overview of CAN-BIND studies highlighting common, standardized data elements

CharacteristicDrugrTMSAt-risk youthStress and rewardSuicide markersCognitive remediationTBI
Patient-specific information, diagnosisMDDMDDYouth at risk for severe mental illness; family high riskMDDMDD, MDD with suicidal ideation or attemptMDDMDD, TBI, MDD + TBI
Intervention/treatmentSSRI (escitalopram); aripiprazolerTMSNANANACognitive remediation therapyNA
Patients, n2112052001009075100
Controls, n112NA4010030NA25
Number of times scanned3232231
T1 structural*
Diffusion tensor imaging
Resting-state fMRI
Go/no-go task
Incentive delay task
Working memory task
Breath-holding challenge/breath-hold task
Shifted attention emotion appraisal test
Probabilistic reward task
Prediction error task
Social cognition task
OtherFace categorization taskArterial spin labelling
  • CAN-BIND = Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression; MDD = major depressive disorder; NA = not applicable; rTMS = repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; SSRI = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; TBI = traumatic brain Injury.

  • * Overall, the 7 studies are projected to include approximately 980 patients and 305 controls, for a total of approximately 3000 T1 scans.

  • Approximately 600 patient T1 scans, approximately 300 control T1 scans.