Table 4

Association between imputed alternative allele dosage of variants and phenotypes (Table 3), with and without exposure to the corresponding childhood environmental factors in the discovery sample*

VariantRefAltChildhood environmental factorsExposedUnexposed
βp valueβp value
DSM-5 diagnostic criterion count, African Americans
 rs10188036TCChange in residence−1.911.20 × E−80.960.16
 del-13:61274071ATAHousehold drinking and illicit drug use−2.752.17 × E−8−0.410.50
Membership likelihood for subtype 5, African Americans
 del-1:15511771CTGCNontraditional parental care0.234.99 × E−10−0.050.34
 rs149843442GAHousehold tobacco use0.231.04 × E−7−0.050.50
 rs114492924CTChange in residence0.272.32 × E−80.020.72
 rs139389287TGHousehold tobacco use0.237.68 × E−8−0.050.41
 rs148834561AGHousehold drinking and illicit drug use0.261.07 × E−7−0.030.57
 del-17:80342628AGAChange in residence−0.073.55 × E−8−0.010.53
 rs75591854GAHousehold tobacco use0.251.22 × E−7−0.060.52
Change in residence0.271.15 × E−70.040.59
 rs75414569TCHousehold tobacco use0.142.61 × E−80.020.69
 rs148009780CTChange in residence0.249.14 × E−8−0.040.56
Membership likelihood for subtype 4, European Americans
 rs71428385GAHousehold tobacco use0.148.38 × E−50.090.27
 rs56337958AGTraumatic experience0.314.29 × E−80.020.64
  • Alt = alternative allele; Ref = reference allele.

  • * Results were obtained via 2 separate sets of main effect tests for the variants, using exposed and unexposed subsamples, respectively.