Table 1

Sample size by phase, site and population group

Recruiting siteSubtyping sampleGWAS sample*Replication sample*Total
Yale19572213280171 (162)82 (76)662 (649)643 (605)15 (12)15 (7)476 (308)833 (462)220826745067
UConn15891643466113 (111)121 (114)680 (665)614 (588)12 (12)18 (17)184 (176)216 (208)166618303765
MUSC3242561614 (14)18 (18)34 (28)46 (41)2 (2)04 (4)4 (4)331263607
McLean Hospital1181142117 (16)16 (15)6 (6)4 (4)0000120116255
Penn7481893118 (18)0355 (349)26 (26)00215 (112)296 (67)8634231306
Total47364415814333 (321)237 (223)1737 (1697)1333 (1264)29 (26)33 (24)879 (600)1349 (741)5188530611000
  • AA = African American; EA = European American; GWAS = genome-wide association study; MUSC = Medical University of South Carolina; Penn = University of Pennsylvania; SNF = small nuclear family; UConn = University of Connecticut.

  • * Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of participants used in the subtyping analysis. Note that due to overlap between the subtyping sample set and the set used in the GWAS study, numbers in each row do not necessary correspond to the total columns on the right.