Table 1

Participant demographic and clinical characteristics

CharacteristicHealthy controls (n = 41)OCD (n = 49)*p value
Demographic characteristics
 Age, mean ± SD35.07 ± 10.0434.42 ± 12.070.86
 Male, n (%)19 (46)16 (32)0.51
Clinical characteristics
 Medication, yes/no31/18
 Comorbidities, n22
  Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder< 5
  Generalized anxiety disorder< 5
  Social anxiety disorder< 5
  Panic attacks< 5
  Borderline personality disorder< 5
 Mean age of OCD onset, yr (min/max)18.3 (7/58)
 Y-BOCS total, mean ± SD20.95 ± 6.1
 Y-BOCS obsessions, mean ± SD10.65 ± 3.46
 Y-BOCS compulsions, mean ± SD10.30 ± 3.83
 OCI-R total, mean ± SD27 ± 10.19
 HAM-D, mean ± SD13.3 ± 5.46
  • HAM-D = Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; OCD = obsessive–compulsive disorder; OCI-R = Obsessive–Compulsive Inventory–Revised; SD = standard deviation; Y-BOCS = Yale–Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale.

  • * Populations of fewer than 5 have been rounded to protect participant privacy.