Table 2

Clusters showing significantly reduced grey matter volume in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder*

Cluster annotationMax t-valueVtxMaxCluster size, mm2VtxMax Talairach coordinates, x, y, zCWP p value (90% CI)NVtxs
Left hemisphere
 Superior-inferior parietal cortex extending to lateral occipital cortex−4.549112 1741031.24−26.5, −82.4, 17.90.044 (0.041–0.046)1492
Right hemisphere
 Superior-inferior parietal cortex−4.289157 8701432.8924.7, −79.7, 250.006 (0.005–0.007)2118
  • CI = confidence interval; CWP = cluster-wise probability; NVtx = number of vertices in cluster; VtxMax = no. of peak vertices of the significant cluster.

  • * Annotation of clusters according to FreeSurfer atlas.