Table 2

Results of the group (MDD, HC) × FH (FH+, FH−) analysis of variance for the analysis of psychophysiological interactions with the medial OFC as seed region (x, y, z = 6, 52, −12)*

Interaction; regionCluster size (k)MNI (at peak)SideF96z-score
Group × family history interaction
 Middle occipital gyrus/inferior occipital gyrus13836−884R19.904.09
Main effect of group
 Supramarginal gyrus/inferior parietal gyrus/postcentral gyrus55062−2430R32.285.13
 Inferior parietal gyrus143−40−4648L27.704.78
 Superior frontal gyrus/middle frontal gyrus304−18468L27.344.75
 Inferior parietal gyrus/supramarginal gyrus164−62−4442L26.474.68
 Superior frontal gyrus/middle frontal gyrus24426260R22.704.35
 Superior parietal gyrus/precuneus158−16−6650L21.184.21
 Middle frontal gyrus/superior frontal gyrus103265636R16.853.76
 Main effect of family history
 Middle occipital gyrus/inferior occipital gyrus/superior occipital gyrus27228−944R28.664.86
 Supramarginal gyrus/rolandic operculum9352−2824R22.914.37
  • FH+ = positive family history of MDD; FH− = no family history of MDD; HC = healthy controls; MDD = major depressive disorder; MNI = Montreal Neurological Institute; OFC = orbitofrontal cortex.

  • * All whole brain analyses with a voxel threshold of p < 0.001, minimum cluster volume threshold of k ≥ 89.