Table 1

Participant demographic and neuropsychological characteristics

CharacteristicGroup; mean (SD)*Degrees of freedomp value
Age, yr62.4 (10.8)65.3 (8.1)360.30
Sex, male: female, no.13:515:510.88
Handedness right:left, no.16:218:1§10.51
Education, yr15.1 (3.5)11.3 (3.0)360.001
Illness duration, yrNA5.4 (3.3)NA
MMSE27.1 (4.2)20.6 (6.9)350.002
Immediate prose recall9.9 (4.1)4.3 (3.7)29< 0.001
Delayed prose recall8.9 (4.2)3.0 (3.5)29< 0.001
Letter fluency31.8 (15.5)17.6 (11.8)320.006
Semantic fluency15.4 (6.7)9.6 (6.3)320.010
Object naming19.5 (1.5)16.6 (4.4)280.020
Spontaneous clock draw8.5 (2.0)7.9 (2.5)290.41
Clock copying9.3 (1.3)8.2 (2.4)280.11
Trails A, s38.6 (11.1)55.5 (29.8)270.05
ANART13.4 (8.9)33.8 (8.7)27< 0.001
WCST categories5.5 (0.9)3.1 (2.1)240.001
  • ANART = American National Adult Reading Test; bvFTD = behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia; MMSE = Mini Mental Status Examination; SD = standard deviation; Trails A = Trail Making Test A; WCST = Wisconsin Card Sorting Task.

  • * Unless otherwise indicated.

  • Not all patients completed all neuropsychological tests (Appendix 1, Table S2, for neuropsychological test sample sizes).

  • Values are bvFTD compared with controls for t tests. We used the χ2 analysis for sex and handedness.

  • § One patient with bvFTD was ambidextrous.