Table 3

Studies evaluating the association between the n-back task and Continuous Performance Test and brain structure

StudyNo. patientsDiagnosisNo. controls (relatives)MRI analysis (Tesla)Regions evaluatedCognitive measuresMain results*
Piras et al.130181ROI (3 T)Caudate, putamen, pallidum, thalamus, hippocampus and amygdalaN-back taskNo association
Crespo-Facorro et al.136142Psychosis
  • 82 schizophrenia

  • 36 schizophreniform disorder

  • 24 patients with nonschizophrenic, nonaffective psychoses

83Automated segmentation global volumes and ROIs (1.5 T)Volumes of whole brain, total grey matter, total white matter, cortical CSF and lateral ventricles, grey matter volumes of cortical (occipital, parietal, temporal and frontal lobes) and subcortical (caudate nucleus, thalamus and putamen) regionsCPTControls: ↑ CPT, ↓ lateral ventricle volume
Patients: no association
Laywer et al.13571Schizophrenia65Semiautomated and fully manual (1.5 T)Frontal, occipital, parietal, temporal and occipital lobes, subcortical region, CSF volume of the ventricles I, II and III, intracranial volume, corpus callosum, caudate, putamen, hippocampus, cerebellum, the posterior superior, posterior inferior and anterior vermis, and cerebellar tonsilCPTControls/patients: association with putamen volumes and vermis regions
Salgado-Pineda et al.13413Antipsychotic-naive schizophrenia13Automated VBM and ROI (1.5 T)Whole brain grey matter, white matter and CSF, thalamusCPTControls: no association
Patients: ↑ CPT (d′ scores), ↑ grey matter density in the left thalamic nucleus, left angular, supramarginal gyrus, left inferior frontal and postcentral gyri, grey matter density of the left and right thalamus
Antonova et al.845Schizophrenia43Automated VBM (1.5 T)Whole brain volume and grey matterCPTControls/patients: no association
Goldberg et al.13714Schizophrenia(14 co-twins)Automated (1.5 T)Hippocampus, third ventricle and a large section of the lateral ventriclesCPTPatients/relatives: no association
  • CPT = Continuous Performance Test; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; ROI = region of interest; VBM = voxel-based morphometry.

  • * ↑ (neuropsychological task) = better performance.