Table 3

Functional imaging studies that have assessed cerebral activity during cognitive performance in Huntington’s disease

StudySubjectsImaging technique/procedureCognitive tasksDifferences in activation?*Comments and additional findings
StriatumFrontal lobeTemporal lobe
Goldberg et al (58)11 H
11 Sc
WAIS, WCSTNoNoIncreased frontal activation assoc. with WCST performance
Weinberger et al (59)14 H
14 C
WAIS, WCSTNoNoN/ANo association between frontal rCBF and WCST performance
Deckel et al (60)7 H
9 C
Stroop Colour Test, Digital Symbol Modalities Test, Word Test, Maze TestNoNoReduced caudate rCBF during Maze Test
Clark et al (61)3 HfMRIMaze TestNoReduced caudate and parietal fMRI signal and increased frontal fMRI signal during Maze testing
Voermans et al (62)12 H
18 C
fMRIWAIS, WMS, CVLT, route recognition testReduced caudate activity and increased temporal activity during route recognition
Kim et al (63)8 HfMRIMMSE, SRTTNoNoReduced activation in frontal and occipital regions during SRTT
  • C = controls; CVLT = California Verbal Learning Test; fMRI = functional magnetic resonance imaging; H = subjects with Huntington’s disease; MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination; rCBF=regional cerebral blood flow; Sc = subjects with schizophrenia; SPECT = single-photon emission computed tomography; SRTT = serial reaction time task paradigm; WAIS = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WCST = Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; WMS = Wechsler Memory Scale.

  • * ↑ = greater activation in H; ↓ = less activation in H; No = no differences; N/A = region was not assessed.