Table 3

Brain areas with significantly increased activation in patients with schizophrenia compared with controls in the analysis of matching after negative feedback (set-shifting) versus positive feedback

Brain regionTalairach coordinatesBrodmann areaZ score*No. of voxels
Right hemisphere
 Anterior cingulate gyrus1244−10323.5218
 Inferior frontal gyrus2831−12474.6948
 Inferior frontal gyrus42377463.5526
 Caudate nucleus182313.5034
Left hemisphere
 Anterior cingulate gyrus−122728323.9256
 Cingulate gyrus−16−3137313.7820
 Caudate nucleus−188113.6026
  • * Expressed as the maximum within each area. Local maxima are separated by a minimum of 8 mm.

  • Cluster-level correction (p < 0.05) for multiple comparisons.

  • Determined by 2-sample t test, p < 0.001, uncorrected. Controls revealed no areas of increased brain activation compared with schizophrenia patients.