Table 3

Between-group results* for areas showing significant connectivity with the posterior cingulate for the working memory task versus the control condition

Brain activity; MNI coordinatesz scoreCluster sizeBrain region
Greater connectivity with PCC in controls
 −56, −26, 44.1895Superior temporal gyrus, BA 22
 4, −44, 303.6763Cingulate gyrus, BA 31
 −40, 22, 443.63141Middle frontal gyrus, BA 8, 9
 −56, 2, 263.5157Inferior frontal gyrus, BA 9
 −4, −60, 163.39112Posterior cingulate, BA 23, 30
 −32, 36, 263.135Middle frontal gyrus, BA 10
Greater connectivity with PCC in posttraumatic stress disorder
 12, 64, 83.5940Medial frontal gyrus, BA 10
 26, 58, 103.46Superior frontal gyrus, BA 10
 −28, −66, −63.3920Fusiform gyrus, BA 19, 37
  • BA = Brodmann area; MNI = Montreal Neurological Institute; PCC = posterior cingulated cortex.

  • * Thresholded at p = 0.001.