Table 2

Comparison of change in global brain structures between patients receiving methylphenidate versus placebo after 13 weeks (3-month sample)

Visit; mean ± SD, mm3
VariableWeek 0Week 13Statisticp value
Grey matter
 MPH643.9163.5641.4463.5CohortF1,96 = 0.500.44
 VisitF1,96 = 8.42; p = 0.005*Cohort × visitF1,95 = 0.610.48
White matter
 MPH520.1266.1522.4267.4CohortF1,95 = 0.010.94
 VisitF1,96 = 11.53 ; p = 0.001*Cohort × visitF1,96 = 0.120.73
 MPH222.3428.0221.5727.1CohortF1,95 = 1.050.31
 VisitF1,96 = 1.01; p = 0.32*Cohort × visitF1,96 = 0.010.91
  • CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; MPH = methylphenidate.

  • * Effect of visit in mixed-model statistic with covariate group psychotherapy versus clinical management.

  • Effect of cohort in mixed-model statistic with covariate group psychotherapy versus clinical management.

  • Cohort × visit interaction in mixed model statistic with covariate group psychotherapy versus clinical management.