Table 2

Brain regions with altered regional homogeneity in adolescents with borderline personality disorder compared with healthy controls

Brain regionMNI peak coordinates, x, y, zT valueCluster size, voxels
Temporal middle, right54, −12, −249.4622764
Cuneus, right12, −75, 2410.0292589
Precentral, right54, 6, 3010.52271171
Occipital middle, left−18, −96, −38.4587104
Frontal inferior orbital, left−24, 30, −9−8.5721524
Frontal superior, left−21, 63, 27−11.7932962
Frontal superior, right27, 51, 45−10.6559437
Precuneus, left0, −75, 48−7.244218
  • FWE = family-wise error correction; MNI = Montreal Neurological Institute.

  • pFWE < 0.05, cluster size ≥ 100.