Table 3

Post-task self-report questionnaire items and Pearson correlations with computational model parameters (n = 480)

Post-task self-report questions*Mean ± SDEC parameterDU parameter
Q1. I found the positive pictures enjoyable:5.02 ± 1.560.03−0.01
Q2. The negative pictures made me feel anxious or uncomfortable:4.00 ± 1.970.340.14
Q3. I often found it difficult to decide which outcome I wanted:2.32 ± 1.710.080.41
Q4. I always tried to move all the way toward the outcome with the largest reward points:4.87 ± 2.35−0.73−0.46
Q5. I always tried to move all the way away from the outcome with the negative pictures/sounds:2.86 ± 2.150.720.35
Q6. When a negative picture and sound were displayed, I kept my eyes open and looked at the picture:5.43 ± 1.89−0.43−0.24
Q7. When a negative picture and sound were displayed, I tried to think about something unrelated to the picture to distract myself:2.84 ± 1.900.290.04
Q8. When a negative picture and sound were displayed, I tried other strategies to manage emotions triggered by the pictures3.04 ± 1.910.350.11
  • DU = decision uncertainty; EC = emotional conflict; SD = standard deviation.

  • * Likert scale, where 1 = not at all and 7 = very much.

  • p < 0.001.

  • p < 0.05.